Answers to Your Questions

How do I download my purchased drum samples?
On completion of your transaction, you will be presented with a ‘success’ message and links to your purchases for instant download. The links will also be sent to your email account.
If you have an issue with the links, you can contact us with priority support on our Customer Support page.
What if I need to re-download my samples due to accidental deletion, or a major computer crash?
Records of your purchases are kept on file. In the event that you lose your original download, simply send an email via the contact form and we will send a link to a fresh download.
Can I buy the samples on USB drive?
Samples are currently only available for download. However, if you have a slow internet connection, and are unable to download them, send us an email and we may be able to make an exception for you, and only you.
This will require an additional cost for shipping and handling.
I am a student. Is there an educational discount available?
Yes there is. If you are a student, interested in purchasing a sample library, send an email via the contact form requesting an educational price. We will get back to you ASAP with pricing and the process. (Will require a scan of student card)